This course is designed to provide the medical care provider a simplified approach to interpreting selected EKG monitoring strips. The 4 hour interactive course begins with reviewing the fundamentals of cardiac physiology and EKG reading.
- Approach to EKG Interpretation
- Interpret common EKG findings for patient with ACS and identify pathologic conditions and infarction patterns.
- Axis Deviation, Bundle Blocks, Hemi fascicular Blocks, ST-segments and AMI Diagnosis.
- Conditions that Obscure the AMI, ST Depression and T Wave Inversion, EKG Pseudo infarction Patterns, Benign Early Repolarization, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Hyperkalemia, among others.
Approved for 4 hours (CAPCE) 3.75 (Nsg)
ASTNA Nursing CEU approved.