The first opera San Diego Opera produced, this beloved masterwork follows the lives of a group of struggling artists, including the poet Rodolfo and the seamstress Mimì, as they navigate love, friendship, and hardship in 19th-century Paris. Full of some of the greatest melodies and arias Puccini ever composed, the production is inspired by San Diego Opera's acclaimed 2020 drive-in La bohème centered in Rodolfo's memory of an unforgettable romance. These performances feature thrilling debuts and the exciting return of many SDO favorites. With Kathleen O'Mara as Mimì (Nov. 1 & 3), Sarah Tucker as Mimì (Nov. 2), Joshua Blue as Rodolfo (Nov. 1 & 3), César Delgado as Rodolfo (Nov. 2), Latonia Moore as Musetta, Leroy Davis as Marcello, Harold Wilson as Colline, and Søren Pedersen as Schaunard. LANGUAGE - Sung in Italian with English and Spanish text projected above the stage