Find the membership level that fits your family
Participation in monthly meetings is optional but welcomed!
(Meetings are 2nd Wednesday each month)
Family Membership Levels:
RED - $25 - Membership + Window Decal
WHITE - $50 - Membership + Window Decal + $10 Eagle Bucks
BLUE - $100 - Membership + Window Decal + $15 Eagle Bucks + *Family Name on LEBC's TRUE BLUE Recognition Banner
EAGLE - $150 - Membership + Window Decal + $20 Eagle Bucks + *Family Name on LEBC’s TRUE BLUE Recognition Banner + ** D117 Family Activities Pass + The exclusive Eagle Member only kit (Lakes logo bag, and other Lakes swag)
Please also consider supporting our Friends of the Arts (FOA)
Under the LEBC Umbrella, FOA supports Lakes Band, Orchestra, Theater, Choir and all Fine Arts
* Blue and Eagle Memberships - the deadline to have your name on the banner is 9/01/2024.
** Eagle Membership - D117 Family Activities Pass allows admission of your immediate family members, as defined below, to:
-all D117 home athletic (Football, Boys Basketball, Wrestling and Indoor Track Meets)
-all D117 drama events (limit one performance per fine arts event, 4 tickets included)
The Pass excludes IHSA Tournament events and Special Event Fundraisers & is not transferable.
Pass must be shown at each event. Passes on phone are not accepted. If you do not have your pass, you will be charged admission.
The pass was approved by the School Board to include parents/guardians and their children living in ONE household. "Children" has been defined as children living at home, students away at college but still dependent on parent(s) or guardian, adopted children, and children of blended families; married children and their spouses are NOT eligible. Also, other family members, such as aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandparents or other friends of the family are NOT to be included on the Pass. A fee will be charged for additional cards or to re-issue lost cards.
Eagle Bucks are redeemable in the Spirit Store, at Football games and during hall sales and expire 05/25.