
The Bryn Mawr Hospital Women's Board invites you to our first Tree of Lights celebration. Decorated with twinkling lights, the ornaments on the Tree of Lights will represent your gift in memory or appreciation of someone special in your life.

Please join us for a special tree lighting ceremony on
December 5 at 12:00 p.m. in the Buck Atrium


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Cheryl Cheston
 In Honor of Emily Cheston, MD


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Denny
 In Memory of William Denny


Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Hamilton

Yardly and Scott Jenkins
 In Memory of Carol Roberts Pendergrass


Rosalind M. Pendergast
 In Memory of Stephen H. Pendergast


David and Trina Terne
 In Honor of Alex Terne and the NICU


Gerald and Robin Williams
 In Honor of Alexis Williams, MD


Joel and Kelly Ann Zazyczny
 In Honor of Aubreylyn, Anneliese, Aydin Zazyczny

Jack Lynch
 In Honor of BMH Staff


Pam and Hobie Porter
 In Honor of Cinda Johnson, Jeff Day, Heather Forgione, Lisa Miller


Cackie Rogers
 In Memory of Elia and Jim Buck


Chris and Lauren Sullivan
 In Honor of Dr. Brittni Jones

Jill Acker
 In Honor of Bryn Mawr Hospital Staff


Doris Berry
 In Memory of John Berry


Nora Brady
 In Memory of Eileen Grady


Amy Buck
 In Memory of Jim and Dev Thielens

Lisa Czyzewski
 In Memory of Pat and Jim Reinagel


Cindy Corkhill Dautrich
 In Memory of Dr. Eric A. Corkhill, Jr.


Joan Capolupo
 In Memory of Armond A. Novelli "Mondie"


John P. Fallon
 In Memory of Nancy Fallon


Fiona Felton
 In Memory of Patrick Duffy


Elizabeth Fierke-Eichelman
 In Memory of Wayne Fierke-Eichelman


Fram Family
 In Memory of Dori Fram


Lynne Gumina
 In Memory of Thomas F. Gumina, MD

Cinda Johnson
 In Memory of John Dautrich


Mary Lance-Smith
 In Memory of Walter Lance


Dorothy (Doss) Masterson
 In Memory of Dr. Patrick M. Growney


John McCormack


Carol McKiernan
 In Memory of Marilee Warner


Sue McNamara
 In Honor of The Emergency Room Staff

 In Honor of The Nursing Staff


Joyce Mershon
 In Memory of Robert E. Anthony

Rosemarie Miller
 In Honor of Suzy Shea and Sue McNamara


Cackie Rogers
 In Honor of Jim Buck, III


Elizabeth A. Salerno
 In Memory of Joseph A. Salerno


Nancy Sharp
 In Memory of Rusty Sharp

Susy Shea
 In Memory of Luke Peter Shea and Reid Coe Shea

In Memory of Nancy Butz Eckert
In Memory Peter and Nancy Shea

Nancy Shields
 In Memory of Teresa L. Vignola

Dina Simonian
 In Memory of Edward Kazanjian

Gloria L. Steinmeyer
 In Memory of Harry H. Steinmeyer, Jr., MD


Elizabeth Stone
 In Memory of Edward Stone

Kristen Traynor
 In Honor of Dr. Hirshman
In Memory of Patrick "Goose" Traynor

Frank Weise
 In Memory of Margaret Kiely

 In Memory of Alison Beers


Joan Wronoski
 In Memory of Walter and Louise Wronoski, James Wronoski

F. Scott Addis
 In Memory of Dr. William H. Annesley, Jr.


Ruth Akers
 In Honor of The BMH Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation staff

 In Honor of The Non-invasive Cardiovascular Staff at BMH


Jill Brignola
 In Memory of Family and Friends no longer with us

Michelle Constable 
With love and appreciation for Caroline Constable's work family
 In Honor of BMH Cardiac Cath Unit


Anthony Curatola
 In Memory of Sister Diane Richner

Cindy Corkhill Dautrich
 In Memory of Eric A. Corkhill III

Susan and Robert Fahey
 In Memory of Anne Marie Fahey


Susan and Robert Fahey
 In Memory of Margaret Carroll Carney


Dave and Betty Fish
 In Honor of Bryn Mawr Beautiful


Heather Forgione
 In Memory of Eileen Perez


Sheila Grubb
 In Memory of Claire and Dick Marra


Mary Harper


Cinda Johnson
 In Memory of Eric Corkhill


Katherine Kittleman
 In Memory of Frank Harrison, MD, Henry Mayer, MD, Wayne Keller, MD, Rudolf Laveran-Stiebar, MD


Claire Lindley
  Ivan Scott 

  Fiona Felton


Sara Maggitti
 In Memory of John Turnbull

 In Memory of Alexander Maggitti


Dr. and Mrs. Paul Marchetto
 In Memory of Martin & Marchetto family members


Jeffrey T. Odiorne, Sr.
 In Memory of Sally Skillman Odiorne


Karen Rawlings
 In Memory of John Anthony Dukes, Jr.


Susan Schmidt

John Schwarz
 In Memory of Jack Schwarz


Ivan Scott
 In Memory of Rita Scott


Karen Smith
 In Memory of Debbie Fitzpatrick


Leo Sullivan


Mary Toomey
 In Memory of Dolores Siciliano

Georgine Trumpbour
 In Honor of Bryn Mawr Hospital Women's Board


Jeff and Susan Wise
 In Memory of Lori Beth Wise


Joan M. Ardizzi
 In Memory of Nicholas and Robert Ardizzi

 In Honor of Richard O. Brower, MD


Ally Carey
 In Memory of Paul Shillingford


Eleanor R. Crane
 In Memory of Thomas F. Crane, Jr.


Jennifer Denne
 In Memory of Thomas J Hock


Jim Flick
 In Memory of Maureen S. Flick


Edward Goss
 In Honor of Jack Lynch

Jillian Hatch
 In Honor of BMH Mother Baby Nurses

Barbara Lander
 In Memory of William Lander MD

Sara Maggitti
 In Memory of Kathryn Turnbull

 In Memory of Patricia Maggitti


Sue McNamara
 In Honor of Mike in Maintenance

 In Honor of Nick in Maintenance

 In Honor of Yuriy in Maintenance

Helen Moran
 In Honor of Mary Ellen Mulligan

Danielle Morris
 In Honor of Linda Burak

Lynne Quinn
 In Honor of Lankenau Oncology

 In Honor of Bryn Mawr Oncology


Ivan Scott
 In Memory of Bill Scott


Susanna Uphoff
 In Memory of Joseph Uphoff


Jeff and Cammy Wagner
 In Memory of Joseph A. Wagner, MD

Virgina Williams
 In Memory of Rusty Sharp

Candice Davis
 In Honor of BMH L&D and Maternity Unit

Heather Forgione
 In Honor of Sheila Gerhart- Lauver

Deb Gondek
 In Honor of Wayne Troncelliti, MD


Sheila Lauver
 In Honor of The Bryn Mawr Hospital Women's Board

 In Honor of Heather Forgione


Lyn Lavin
 In Memory of Judith Rosenbleeth

 In Honor of Eric Levicoff

Joyce Loeb
In Memory of Frederick E. Loeb

Lisa Miller
 In Memory of Leonard and Helen Jennis

 In Honor of BMH Foundation Team! Cinda, Jeff, & Heather


Florence Ginger Perrin
 In Honor of Barbara Figueredo


Amanda Rose
 In Memory of my dad, Gary R. Joachim


Patricia L. Ryan
 In Memory of Bob Ryan


Linda Toner
 In Memory of Dr. Bill Chain


Christopher Dole

Donors as of 12/20/24

The Main Line Health Women's Boards and Auxiliaries invite you to light up the Main Line Thursday, December 5, 2024

Your participation and donation at the first annual Lighting Ceremony across Main Line Health hospitals will recognize, honor and remember loved ones during the holidays. 

Bryn Mawr Hospital at 12:00 p.m.
Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital at 4:30 p.m.
Lankenau Medical Center at 4:00 p.m.
Paoli Hospital at 12:00 p.m.
Riddle Hospital at 11:30 a.m.

Decorated with twinkling lights, the lighting ceremony symbolizes gifts made to the Main Line Health hospitals in honor and memory of loved ones. What a wonderful gift to give someone special in your life this holiday season. You can honor your loved ones, favorite doctor, nurse, therapist, friend or family member by participating in our celebration.

Thank you to our refreshment sponsor.


Thank you to our refreshment sponsor!