Is the Golden Age Over for American Jews?

In March 2024, Franklin Foer published an article in The Atlantic titled, “The Golden Age of American Jews is Ending,” arguing that since “Anti-Semitism Has Gone Mainstream” we are seeing the “close [of] an unprecedented period of safety and prosperity for Jewish Americans,” and even worse, the “demolish[ing of] the liberal order they helped establish.” Was Foer’s lament an accurate take, a true prophecy of our fate, or was it perhaps more indicative of the longstanding Jewish habit of an "ever-dying" pessimism? Join American Jewish historian Dr. David Kaufman in a careful evaluation of these questions, looking both at the rise and decline of the American Jewish "golden age" and at the larger issue of American Jewish historical "exceptionalism."

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Dr. David E. Kaufman is an American Jewish historian specializing in the urban Jewish experience of New York City.  Educated at Columbia College (BA, 1982), the Jewish Theological Seminary (MA, 1986) and Brandeis University (PhD, 1994), he has served on the faculties of Hebrew Union College and Hofstra University, and authored two books, Shul with a Pool: The Synagogue-Center in American Jewish History (1999) and Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish Identity (2012). Now living on the Upper West Side, David works as an independent scholar and public historian teaching and writing on the subject of Jewish New York.

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