All in the Family: Torah’s Take on Family Relationships

Family dynamics can be fraught with complexity and tension. Even the people we love most in the world can frustrate us as much as they bring joy to our lives. This is not unique to the modern era. In this insightful new course from acclaimed Melton teacher and course author Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, we will explore significant family relationships in the Torah, using them as a mirror with which to examine our own relationships. Whether it’s the relationship between a husband and wife, a brother and sister, or the most treacherous “in-laws”, the Torah is packed with complex interactions that can shed new light on our own lives. Join us as we go all in on family.

We strive to ensure access and meaningful participation by all. As such, this program will have closed captioning.

Dr. Sandra Lilienthal is a teacher, scholar, and curriculum developer who has transformed adult education in her South Florida community and beyond. Her “Living Wisdom” nine-course curriculum is taught all around the world through the Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Her tenth curriculum for the Melton School is being released early springs. She is the Curriculum Director at the Institute for Jewish Knowledge and Learning, where she is also a faculty member. Most recently, Sandra is the co-founder and co-director of Wisdom Without Walls: An Online Salon for Jewish Ideas. 

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