The Time Traveling Guest at the Back of the Class

Join us, as together with Melton curriculum writer, Catriella Freedman, we unpack one of the most unusual Talmudic stories, a rabbinic case of traveling back to the future. In this legend, when the great leader Moses time travels to the 1st century in Rabbi Akiva’s classroom, he embarrassingly finds himself placed in the last row of the classroom – the seats reserved for the least experienced students. This imaginative tale gives us a powerful opportunity to examine how the ancient rabbis understood the development of Jewish law, the oral tradition, and their political and historical role in its transmission. We look forward to traveling back in time with you!    

We strive to ensure access and meaningful participation by all. As such, this program will have closed captioning.

Teacher's photo
Catriella Freedman is the author of the Melton Foundations of Jewish Family Living course. A Los Angeles native, she has lived in Zichron Ya'akov, Israel for the last 15 years with her Canadian husband and 4 children. She holds a BA in religion from Princeton University and an MA in Jewish studies from Harvard University, where she received the Derek Bok Award for graduate instruction. She studied at Midreshet Lindenbaum and was a fellow at the Drisha Institute. For 12 years Catriella was the founding director of PJ Our Way and Author Stewardship at PJ Library and has continued to teach adults on topics ranging from Jewish children's books, Maimonides, Second Temple political and intellectual history, and Jewish peoplehood.    

#Bible #History #Theology

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