Networking 101: Ways to Support Networking at Your Event

Networking 101: Ways to Support Networking at Your Event

Networking events can be a great asset to professionals and small business owners, providing an opportunity to content face-to-face with potential contacts. However, there’s more to a successful networking event than just getting a group of people together in the same room and leaving them to it. Most opportunities for networking benefit from having some sort of host. Whether it’s the organizer or someone else who’s been appointed to the role, a host helps break the ice and bring people together. Hosting duties may also include running any scheduled activities or helping participants feel comfortable enough to chime in during discussions.

The primary function of a networking event is to help people forge new connections so naturally, the most successful events are usually ones which actively create opportunities for connection. Often that means breaking off into groups or planning one or more activities, whether it’s just a five minute icebreaker or something more elaborate like drawing up lists together of area businesses who use your product or could benefit from hearing your talk. This can be especially successful if you provide materials such as pens, paper and computer access for those who don’t bring their own work items. Your goal should always be to foster connections between your attendees by making them feel relaxed while they do their talking and participating!

When it comes to organizing a networking event, one of the most important steps is figuring out who to invite. While you may be tempted to invite a wide variety of people in your industry, it's actually better to focus on one narrow niche. This ensures that your guests have common ground to talk with one another and they'll gain the most benefit out of the event.

To illustrate this point, imagine this: You invite a general group of business owners to an event. You end up with one who owns a children's clothing store, someone who owns a catering company, and a flower shop. They all are business owners, but their specialties mean they have unique problems and experiences – which can make it difficult for them to connect and relate to certain topics. If you organized an event only for floral shop owners, then they would be able to share best practices or experiences more easily because they would have more in common.

networking event

Why networking in person is most effective. 

Although virtual and hybrid events do offer some great networking opportunities for event organizers and participants, it's still generally accepted that in-person networking is the most effective—and preferred by many attendees. Part of this is just a result of familiarity. Most of us are used to networking in person, so it's what feels more natural and organic.

But beyond that, face-to-face communication also has its merits. Studies have shown that people tend to be more creative when conversing in person, which leads to greater productivity amongst team members at an event or meeting. There's also more accountability when you're communicating with someone face-to-face; people feel more pressure to stay on task when someone else is relying on them for input.

In addition, eye contact with another person can often convey emotions better than even the most expertly-crafted email can manage. It's nearly impossible to reflect back feelings such as sincerity and sympathy through a computer screen—which are invaluable during conversations where links must be built and trust must be established.

Ultimately, while virtual events have come a long way in trying to recreate the feeling of real life encounters, they won't ever replace in-person networking completely—at least not anytime soon.


When you're planning an event, having a venue with a wow factor can be an effective way to get attendees talking and engaged. This doesn't just give people something interesting to talk about, it can help break the ice between attendees who don't know each other.

So when you're choosing a venue for your event, consider venues that have something unique or impressive about them - skyscrapers, underwater venues, or those with spectacular gardens, art installations or other features along those lines. If you're hosting the event in your office instead of renting out a venue elsewhere, try to find ways to inject some excitement and conversation pieces into the space: bring in local food or beer selections or decorations that will make it feel special. Anything that creates discussion points is sure to spice up your event!


Live entertainment is an effective way to get your attendees to talk to each other and engage in a shared experience. Bringing in a live band, dance performance, theatrical production or even having a famous guest speaker will all provide your guests with something to talk about. Live entertainment can be tailored so that it fits the theme of your event and creates conversation and connection between those attending. Additionally, it provides excitement and a break from monotonous speaking sessions or meetings, bringing new energy into the room. So consider how live entertainment can fit into your upcoming event – it is sure to bring some life and spark joy as people bond over enjoying the experience together!


If you’re looking to inject some creativity into your networking activities, look no further than themed networking events. By introducing an unexpected twist to your usual networking format, guests are more likely to leave your event feeling like they’ve met new people and created lasting professional connections. Not only will it make it easier for participants to spark up a conversation, but it creates an opportunity for a more memorable experience.

Themes can be as simple or complex as you’d like. Consider seasonal themes such as summer barbecues, pool parties, and country line dancing hoedowns during the fall! Or take inspiration from different audience groups - holidays, team-building activities geared towards tech enthusiasts or art aficionados. The possibilities are virtually endless.


Food brings people together, which is why food stations have become an increasingly popular option among event organizers. They’re an engaging way to optimize dialogue and networking between your attendees during breaks or after sessions. Food stations can vary greatly in style, concept, and menu depending on the feeling you want to portray at your event. Whether it’s a cupcake station, a donut wall, a sundae bar, or any other food station that pleases your audience – just remember they need to be delicious! An underwhelming taste in their mouths won’t make them socialize more.
But if you choose wisely – as any smart party planner would do - you will create a fun experience for them along with interesting visuals that will delight even the most sophisticated crowds. It doesn’t take much to make attendees happy and make sure your event doesn’t look dull; sometimes all it takes is something comforting like freshly-baked cupcakes!

Do not include too many activities in your networking event

Networking events are a great way to meet other people who share similar interests and bridge professional relationships. Attendees hope to connect, learn more about each other’s professions, and possibly make valuable contacts or partnerships. As the host of such an event, it’s important to remember what attendees are there for: talking with other people.

You can set the tone and encourage conversations by providing name tags if necessary, offering introductions and making sure that everyone is comfortable. When necessary, give directions on activities that you may have planned (if the event is at a venue with a bar or theater for example) but beyond that keep out of their way as much as possible so they can focus on meeting each other. Above all else, avoid lengthy presentations or product demonstrations that could act as a distraction from getting down to business networking.

Network ideas for your next event

Networking events are nothing like traditional gatherings. They’re about creating special moments that can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities down the road. But it takes more than just opening your doors and hoping for the best - you need to create opportunities for these special moments to occur.

That’s why we put together this list of creative networking ideas for your next event. Whether it’s a small, intimate gathering or a large-scale conference, implement any of these ideas and you’ll be sure to get people talking, interacting, and building relationships with one another. So check out our ideas below and get ready to create something great!

Speed networking 

Speed networking is a popular way for professionals to quickly make connections with other professionals. When done well, it allows job seekers and established professionals alike to connect with potential employers and clients, network with colleagues from different industries, build relationships that can bring mutual benefit and stay engaged in the industry.

At its core, speed networking is akin to speed dating in that you meet one-on-one with another professional for a set period of time to discuss yourself and/or your business interests. One person begins by introducing themselves, ask a few questions to move the conversation along before quickly sharing contact information. Event organizers may provide prompts that help get the conversation started. After the time limit is up, you move on to another person.

Speed networking events are offered by many organizations including colleges and universities as a way for current students or recent graduates to get career advice and share their resumes with potential employers. Some businesses also host speed networking events as an employee development tool or part of corporate training programs.


Want to get your startup event guests talking and having fun? Why not try one of the classic ice-breaker games, but give it a modern feel! We present 'Quick Fire Questions,' an old favorite with a new twist.

This is an easy game that costs nothing. Simply tell your attendees to find a partner and give them 60 seconds each to fire off quick questions to the other person - you could display them on your plasma screens or on the home screen of your event app. You can use some classic speed dating questions, such as "who do you admire most in life" or "what was the best day of your life," or inject some humor by asking more left-field questions like, "if you could be any cartoon character who would you be?" Besides getting people laughing, this game works great for sizing up team members’ temperaments and skills - so don’t forget to ask about their education and working history too!

Guest Speaker 

Transform your next professional networking event from just another day meet-up to a real event by adding a welcoming keynote from an industry expert or thought leader. At most professional networking events you'll get to hear a little from everyone and discover what they do, but inviting a VIP speaker will add some extra value. Think of this as a networking event and webinar hybrid where your guests get the opportunity to network with not only each other but an industry expert too.

The speaker can introduce themselves, share their experience in the industry, give advice, ask questions, and generally kick off your gathering with an inspiring talk that sets the tone for the rest of the evening. Meanwhile your guests will also get to take away plenty to think about and discuss as they mingle with each other - almost like getting two events in one! Use this keynote to kick off your networking session and give everyone plenty to think about as they get to know others at your live event.

Networking events are great events to host and attended. We hope that these tips helped you to prepare for you upcoming networking event!

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