2023 Kids Meals

330 Garden Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA Get Directions
Hugo Mojica
44 registered, 0 needed

This event is currently full. Enter your information below to be added to the waitlist.

Organization: Kids’ Meals
  • # of volunteers needed: 6
  • Date: January - December
  • Time
  • Location: 330 Garden Oaks Blvd., Houston TX 77018
  • Duties: Kitchen help-making sandwiches, packing lunches, making snack bags, grocery bags, etc (see link for open shifts).
  • Dress code: Foundation t-shirt, along with long-pants/comfortable closed-toe shoe, baseball cap
  • Parking info: Park in the lot directly in front of Kids' Meals facility
  • Point of Contact: Monique Saldana 
  • Special notes: you must signup on their website as well 


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