Event Engagement Ideas That Actually Work

Event Engagement Ideas That Actually Work

What is event engagement?

Event engagement is all about creating a lasting connection between your brand and your attendees. It involves encouraging conversation around your in-person event, providing value before, during, and after it has taken place, and making an impact on how people remember their experience.

Event engagement can be achieved both digitally and physically. Digital event engagement includes activities such as pre-event polls or surveys sent out by event organizers to gain insight from attendees, sending out personalized emails to each attendee prior to the event, live tweeting during the event itself, hosting a post-event discussion on social media platforms, or creating opportunities for attendee feedback after the event.

Physical event engagement could include having photo booths at the venue or offering interactive experiences such as games or competitions for participants. Ultimately, an effective event engagement strategy should leave a lasting impression on attendees and ensure that they have enjoyed their experience.

Why is Engagement Important?

Engagement is essential for any event because it helps to build relationships with attendees and create a memorable experience. Engagement allows organizers to gain insight into their target audience, identify the wants and needs of their guests, and tailor events accordingly. It also builds trust with the attendees and helps them feel more connected to the event.

Engaging attendees also has tangible benefits in terms of making events more enjoyable, increasing attendance numbers, and building a positive reputation for the event.

Ultimately, engagement is an important part of any successful event because it allows organizers to create an experience that people will remember positively long after the event has ended.

-Boosts brand awareness

One of the most important benefits of engaging your event attendees is that it can help you boost brand awareness. By creating exciting and interactive experiences for your attendees, you are more likely to get them talking about your brand before, during, and after the event.

This type of word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable as it helps spread positive sentiment and encourages people to attend future events. Additionally, social media is a great way to engage with your audience and further increase brand awareness. Encourage attendees to post on their own accounts using specific hashtags or create a designated hashtag for the event itself so that everyone can follow along with the conversation in real-time.

-Builds brand loyalty

Building brand loyalty is essential for any business, and engaging attendees at your events can be a great way to do just that. People are more likely to attend future events if they have already had a positive experience in the past, and one of the best ways to ensure this is by providing engaging activities for your guests.

For example, you could create interactive displays and activities, such as photo booths or scavenger hunts, that allow people to explore the event and get creative. Additionally, offering incentives like giveaways or discounts can also help build loyalty as it rewards those who attend your events with something tangible.

Finally, using polls and surveys can be a great way to get valuable feedback from attendees which will help you better understand their needs and expectations, allowing you to tailor your upcoming events accordingly.

-Provides networking opportunities

Events are a great place for attendees to network with each other and with your brand. To provide networking opportunities, you’ll need to create an environment that encourages people to connect and interact. This could include setting up a designated area for mingling or creating an icebreaker activity that helps people get comfortable talking to each other.

Additionally, encouraging attendees to bring business cards or other materials that they can share is also a great way to facilitate networking. You may also want to consider offering incentives such as discounts or giveaways as rewards for successful connections made at the event. By making sure there are plenty of opportunities for networking, you’ll be able to build relationships, collaborations, and partnerships between your brand and those attending your event.

-Drives sales and revenue

Events are an excellent way to drive sales and revenue for your business. Offering discounts or special promotions at the event can help encourage attendees to make a purchase. You can also set up a booth where people can purchase products or services directly from your team.

Additionally, setting up an online store with items related to the event can be a great way to capitalize on the excitement of the event and capture more sales. By making sure you’re offering something that appeals to attendees, you’ll be able to increase your sales and revenue while strengthening your relationships with those who attend.

How to measure the success of your event engagement strategy

Measuring the success of your event engagement strategy is key to understanding what works and what doesn't.

The first step is to set specific goals for the event, such as increasing attendance or driving a certain number of leads.

Next, track key metrics such as attendance, engagement levels (e.g., time spent watching sessions), lead generation, and sentiment analysis (i.e., how attendees feel about the event). It's also important to measure the ROI of the event itself. This can be done by comparing the cost of hosting the event versus any revenue that was generated from it.

Finally, use surveys and interviews to get feedback from attendees on their overall experience at your event and what could be improved. By tracking these metrics throughout your events, you'll be able to gain valuable insights into how well your engagement strategies are performing and make adjustments accordingly.

During event engagement ideas

1. Polls-

Ask questions and polls to keep your audience engaged during the event. Give them a chance to share their thoughts, opinions or ideas on a certain topic. Polls are a great way to get your virtual event attendees engaged and provide them with an opportunity to give their input. They offer a low-effort, high-impact method of gathering feedback from your audience in real time. To keep engagement high, consider running a poll every 15 minutes or so. Polls are an easy way to make sure that even the virtual attendees stay connected and involved in what’s going on at your event!

2. Q&A Sessions-

Host live Q&A sessions with speakers or influencers. This will give attendees an opportunity to interact directly with the people they’re most interested in hearing from.

3. Mix It Up With Rapid Fire Learning –

By quickly transitioning between topics and speakers, you can keep the audience on their toes and make sure they stay interested in what’s being presented. Rapid-fire learning also allows you to cover more material in the same amount of time, giving attendees more value for their time. Keep things moving quickly by having multiple speakers present on the same topic but only for a few minutes before tagging in the next one. This helps ensure that everyone has something new to learn and won’t become complacent during long presentations.

4. Networking Opportunities-

Set up networking lounges that allow attendees to connect with one another and have conversations in real-time during your event.

5. Use Gamification – 

A fun way to engage attendees is through gamification. Try introducing virtual leaderboards or awards where participants can strive towards certain goals throughout the event and earn points along the way.

6. Break up your presentations and vary your session formats-

To keep your audience engaged and entertained, you should break up your sessions and vary the formats. For example, you could have a panel discussion followed by an interactive Q&A session or an instructor-led demonstration followed by a live workshop. Furthermore, you can make sure to keep the energy up by having shorter sessions that are no more than 30 minutes in length. This will help to keep your attendees focused and engaged while still giving them time to explore other parts of your event.

7. Prizes-

Offer special prizes for those who engage most actively during the event, such as discounts on products or services associated with it, free tickets for future events, etc. This will help remind them why it's important to stay engaged throughout your events and create a great experience! 

8. Marketplace- 

Create an online marketplace where attendees can purchase merchandise related to your brand or organization—this will help extend the life of your events long after they’re over! This also gives people who did not attend a taste of what they are missing as well as a chance to support your event from afar. 

9. Entertainment act-

Adding entertainment to your event can be a great way to draw in audiences and keep them engaged. Not only does it lighten the mood, but it also gives attendees the chance to take a mental break from all of the serious programming. From comedians to magicians, there are plenty of different options available for you to choose from. Make sure that they’re well versed in your event’s subject matter so they can tailor their performance accordingly. With an entertaining act at your event, you’ll be sure to draw in crowds and create lasting impressions!

Keeping Attendees Engaged In Between Events

Keeping attendees engaged in between events can be a challenge, but it's an important part of event planning. One way to keep them engaged is to provide content that is relevant to their interests and needs. This could include blog posts, articles, or videos related to the event's industry or topics.

Additionally, create polls and surveys on social media channels such as Twitter or Facebook to get feedback from attendees on what they'd like to see next year.

Finally, offer exclusive discounts and promotions for those who have purchased tickets in advance or attended your past events. Doing these simple things will ensure that your organization is top-of-mind with current and prospective attendees in between events.

Maintain a Blog

A blog is one of the best ways to keep your event attendees engaged in between events. When you create a blog, it's important to post content that is relevant and useful to your target audience. This could include industry news, tips for attending your upcoming events, or even reviews of past events.

Additionally, you should post regularly so that readers can stay up-to-date on what is happening with your organization. With a blog, you can also use social media to share new posts and engage with followers on various platforms. By maintaining an active blog, you will be able to build relationships with current and prospective attendees throughout the year.

Share Aggregated Content on Social Media

Sharing aggregated content on social media is a great way to engage with your event attendees and keep them informed. Aggregated content can be anything from industry news, helpful tips, or videos related to your event.

You can find this content by searching through popular news outlets, blogs, and other sources. Once you have found the right content to share, make sure to post it on all of your social media channels so that you reach as many people as possible.

Additionally, make sure to include relevant hashtags so that more people can discover your posts. By sharing aggregated content regularly on social media, you will be able to keep your followers engaged throughout the year and ensure that they are always up-to-date with what's going on in the industry.

Contest and Discounts

Contests and discounts are an effective way to engage with your event attendees and encourage them to take part in the activities. Contests can be anything from a trivia night, a photo contest, or even an Instagram challenge. This will provide your attendees with the chance to win prizes such as registration discounts, VIP status, or invitations to special events.

Additionally, you can also offer discounts based on how early people register for your event or if they bring a friend. You can also offer exclusive discounts through newsletters or social media campaigns.

Overall, contests and discounts are great ways to get people excited about your event while providing them with incentives to sign up early and participate.

Don't Forget About Email

Email is still one of the most effective tools for engaging with your event attendees. It allows you to send personalized messages to each individual and keep them updated on all the latest news and information regarding your event. Email also allows you to segment your audience so that different members are receiving targeted messages based on their interests and preferences.

Additionally, email can be used to share promotional offers, such as early bird discounts or VIP membership packages, which can help increase attendance and engagement levels. Finally, email campaigns can also be used to gain feedback from attendees, which will help you improve future events.


In conclusion, event planning and audience engagement go hand-in-hand. Events professionals need to stay up to date with the latest technologies to create experiences that are effortless and engaging for attendees. From interesting speaking sessions and interactive exhibits to contests and networking cocktail parties, there is no shortage of ways you can entertain your guests.

Technology has made the process of event planning easier and more efficient. It allows planners to communicate swiftly with attendees, streamline processes, collect measurable data about their audience, and tailor content for maximum ROI. The success of an event ultimately relies on effective audience engagement; when done right, it can significantly improve profits and leave a lasting impression on those who attend.

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